Saturday, September 19, 2015

I really exist

Sorry blogger. I've been ignoring you. It's not because you are not interesting but because I have been so busy. I swear. That plus I only publish entree mostly from my phone...and it's very ugly.

Needs more formatting options. Damn.

Well. Yeah.

We need to hang out soon.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

XPG evolving...leveling up

Our 3 hour summit which included lunch comes to an end.

 A brainstorm like no other as we rallied to the greatest ideas and imagined a whole new world for the gaming division for the Grand Geek Gathering

We are very excited for our new format and recently announced name change. You can check out the new Facebook page below. 

More to come. I will update you accordingly.

-Stay Kultured

Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps Reactions


Before I rant diligently on how Capcom overwhelmingly changed too much of one of my favorite franchises and how I will petition it, sign a waiver, send hate mail, #CapcomSucks etc. blahblah boo-hoo...

I won't.

Sure, survival games aren't my cup of tea. I've actually played more of the newest games in the Resident Evil franchise than I have the older Resident Evil one but I still definitely see the huge changes to the game that people love. Or used to love. But judge it for what it is and not what it could have/wished it to be/what it used to be...

...which is a bad-ass looking Call of Duty competitive multiplayer game with zombies. PvP with NPCs in the middle of the action, an extra variable in the mix that affects the FPS playstyle.

And we all know you are into zombies.

But I am sadden to see Capcom not take advantage of the recent boom in survival games (DayZ, Ark, H1Z1, The Forest, Rust, State of Decay). Instead of remaking (and barely at that) Resident Evil games from their classic library, they could have been focusing on returning to a genre they help create and with the funds they have compared to most of the games listed above, the next age of Resident Evil could have been extremely adventurous and terrifying experience.

Think about an open-world, drop-in/drop out survival game based inside the Resident Evil world. 

And NO! I'm not talking about Resident Evil Outbreak. No one talks about Resident Evil Outbreak.

Obviously that's not where they are going. Don't get me wrong, the direction they choose with Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps is still a smart move, a safe move but still hits an ever-growing community and niche that hard not to hate unless you're Dead Island 2...

because once again we all know you are into zombies.

I plan on following this project to see if they can balance the new variable added to the mix and balance competitive arena-style combat. I'm intrigued.

-Game on.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Speaking about Future Game Dev...

Today I finish my second draft of my game analysis, resume, and cover letter for my Blizzard Entertainment application.


I'm so excited about applying yet again with more confidence and experience
This is something I've been looking forward to since before I started this blog.

Thus this week is dedicated to everything Blizzard. 

Now to get home and watch the opening cinematic for Legacy of the Void
YouTube everything on Overwatch, 
and WoW action tonight.

Game on-

Friday, September 11, 2015

XPG: The Podcast Episode 10 "Bungie Jump" is HERE!

Figure I post my latest show (and maybe the final show with that title) from my podcast. Listen here and let me know what you think.

What's the worse that could happen?...'s not a virus...

K. Thanks. GGG!

and stay Kultured...

Ohhhhhh yeah! You exist!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Black Friday 2K14

With Christmas break coming (for those who don't work during the holidays -_-) that can only mean extra time for Netflix and lifting, right?! OR It can be more and more time to GAME. And with Black Friday around the corner there are tons of sales available ESPECIALLY for digital content!

Watchdogs - $29.99
The Evil Within - $20.34
Goat Simulator - $4.99
Beyond Earth - $34.99
FTL - $2.99

Sims 4 - $34.99
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag - $34.99
Titanfall - $4.99
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - $4.99
Battlefield 4 - $29.99
FIFA 15 - $34.99

World of Warcraft (All expansions but Cataclysm) - $4.99 
Diablo 3 & Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls - $19.99
StarCraft 2 (All games) - $9.99


Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - $39.99
The Evil Within - $29.99
Destiny - $49.99
Forza 5 - $29.99
Alien: Isolation - $39.99


Shadows of Mordor - $24.99
FIFA 15 - $29.99
Madden NFL 15 - $29.99
Fantasia - $29.99
Watch Dogs - $29.99
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edi. - $29.99

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving/Black Friday and keep gaming.
